#lakhimpur kheri crime news
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indiablog1 · 2 years ago
Indian Verbal Messages
  The country that I’m studying for my blog project is the country of India. Their official language is Hindi, the most spoken language in the land by far with the language of English being the second official language. English being there because when India was under British rule that was the language. 
     Lingua Franca is a bridge language, a language that is common between people that speak different languages. Using English as a lingua franca can help my ability to communicate as someone who speaks a different language than me can find common ground with English. So for instance if I went to India I would be able to speak to someone and communicate fairly well because our lingua Franca is English.
3. Look up how to say the following words and phrases in at least one of the primary languages of the country you are studying.  Write out the pronunciation for each word or, if you're preparing a vlog post, speak each word aloud.
Hello! - Namaste (naa·muh·stay)
Yes - Haan
No - Nahin
Please - Krpaya
Thank You - dhanyavaad
Can you help me? - kya tum meri madat kar sakte ho
I don't understand - mujhe hindi samzatee nahin
I don't speak (name of the language) - Me hindi nahi bolta
My name is (your name) - mera naam hai EJ
Yes, a handful of these words were very hard to pronounce as I wasn’t able to find some of the pronunciations for some of the words. These phrases would be very important to learn as they are baseline introductions that would be very useful for human interactions. I would say “Thank you” and “My name is” are two crucial phrases needed to know before you go to a different region where they speak a different language.
Website used: https://www.aajtak.in/crime/news/story/lakhimpur-kheri-murder-young-man-shot-dead-near-police-station-stir-in-area-lcla-1725265-2023-06-29?utm_source=rssfeed
What I noticed when using google translate to translate Hindi to english is that the translation became very robotic and not human like talk, at least in the english language translation. I know that in the former language, Hindi, it is very fluent and makes sense to people who were to speak that language, but if I were to use the English translation word for word and talk to someone it would make half sense.
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years ago
नशे में धुत पति ने पार की हैवानियत की हदें, पत्नी के प्राइवेट पार्ट में डाल दिया चिमटा
नशे में धुत पति ने पार की हैवानियत की हदें, पत्नी के प्राइवेट पार्ट में डाल दिया चिमटा
लखीमपुर खीरी: उत्तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh) के लखीमपुर खीरी  (Lakhimpur Kheri) से एक चौंका देने वाला मामला सामने आया है. यहां पर एक शराबी पति ने हैवानियत की सारी हदें पार कर दी. शराबी पति ने पहले अपनी पत्नी की जमकर पीटा.पत्नी की पिटाई के बाद भी जब उसका मन नहीं भरा तो उसने महिला के प्राइवेट पार्ट में चिमटा डाल दिया. महिला गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गई. जिसे अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है. उसके भाई ने…
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sanjeevnitodaydotcom · 5 years ago
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tezlivenews · 3 years ago
यूपी में प्रियंका का 'दलित प्रेम', राजस्थान में क्यों कन्फ्यूज दिख रहे हैं CM गहलोत
यूपी में प्रियंका का ‘दलित प्रेम’, राजस्थान में क्यों कन्फ्यूज दिख रहे हैं CM गहलोत
हाइलाइट्स यूपी में प्रियंका गांधी दलितों के समर्थन में जुटी राजस्थान में गहलोत को हनुमानगढ़ और जयपुर में दलितों के सम्मेलन शामिल ना होने के मुद्दे पर है घेरा जा रहा सीएम गहलोत का जयपुर में दलित समाज के सम्मेलन में शामिल ना होना बन चर्चा का विषय जयपुर कांग्रेस पार्टी में अदरूनी लड़ाई कब क्या रूप ले रही है, शायद इसे समझ पाना राजनीति के जानकारों के लिए भी मुश्किल हो रहा है। एक बार फिर इसकी बानगी…
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journalistcafe · 3 years ago
लखीमपुर खीरी हिंसा : आशीष मिश्रा स्कूटी से पहुंचे पुलिस लाइन, दो घंटे से पूछताछ जारी
लखीमपुर खीरी हिंसा : आशीष मिश्रा स्कूटी से पहुंचे पुलिस लाइन, दो घंटे से पूछताछ जारी
लखीमपुर खीरी हिंसा में चार किसानों सहित आठ लो��ों की मौत के मामले में मुख्य आरोपी केंद्रीय ग��ह राज्य मंत्री अजय कुमार मिश्रा टेनी के बेटे आशीष मिश्रा उर्फ मोनू की शनिवार को सुबह 10ः45 पर क्राइम ब्रांच के सामने पेश हुए। 15 मिनट पहले पहुंचे आशीष- हालांकि, आशीष मिश्रा को दिन में 11 बजे लखीमपुर खीरी पुलिस लाइन में क्राइम ब्रांच की टीम के सामने पेश होना था, लेकिन वह 15 मिनट पहले पहुंचे। आशीष स्कूटी से…
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azaadsamachar · 3 years ago
लखीमपुर खीरी में किसानों की हत्या के विरोध में अधिवक्ताओं ने किया शोक सभा
लखीमपुर खीरी में किसानों की हत्या के विरोध में अधिवक्ताओं ने किया शोक सभा
Lakhimpur khiri:- Tribute paid to martyr farmers by observing silence वाराणसी(आज़ाद-समाचार)। लखीमपुर खीरी में पिछले दिनों केंद्रीय मंत्री के बेटे द्वारा किसानों के ऊपर गाड़ी दौड़ा कर 4 किसानों की हत्या करने की घटना से नाराज अधिवक्ताओं ने मंगलवार को वाराणसी जिलाधिकारी के पोर्टिको में अधिवक्ता जन वाराणसी के नेतृत्व में शोक सभा कर सरकार की कार्यशैली के प्रति नाराजगी जताई। केंद्रीय मंत्री के बेटे…
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years ago
Lakhimpur Kheri case: UP govt opposes bail plea of Union minister's son in SC
New Delhi, Jan 19: The Uttar Pradesh government on Thursday opposed in the Supreme Court the bail plea of Union Minister Ajay Kumar Mishra’s son, who is one of the accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case. “It is a grave and heinous crime and will send a wrong signal to society,” Additional Advocate General for Uttar Pradesh Garima Prashad told a bench of Justice Surya Kant and Justice JK Ma…
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lok-shakti · 3 years ago
Aashish Mishra Monu: लखीमपुर खीरी कांड में पूछताछ के लिए पहुंचे आशीष मिश्रा मोनू, 302 के तहत हत्या का है आरोप
Aashish Mishra Monu: लखीमपुर खीरी कांड में पूछताछ के लिए पहुंचे आशीष मिश्रा मोनू, 302 के तहत हत्या का है आरोप
लखीमपुर खीरीलखीमपुर खीरी घटना के आरोपी आशीष मिश्रा आखिरकार क्राइम ब्रांच के दफ्तर पहुंच चुके हैं। लखीमपुर खीरी स्थित पुलिस लाइन में आशीष मिश्रा से पूरे मामले को लेकर पूछताछ की जाएगी। बताया जा रहा है कि पूछताछ के बाद पुलिस आशीष मिश्रा को गिरफ्तार कर सकती है। इससे पहले आशीष को शुक्रवार स���बह 10 बजे पूछताछ के लिए बुलाया गया था लेकिन वह पूरा दिन नदारद रहे। इस बीच खबर उड़ी कि वह नेपाल भाग गए…
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tezlivenews · 3 years ago
लखीमपुर कांड: क्राइम सीन रीक्रिएशन, आशीष मिश्रा सहित चारों आरोपियों को घटनास्थल लेकर पहुंची SIT
लखीमपुर कांड: क्राइम सीन रीक्रिएशन, आशीष मिश्रा सहित चारों आरोपियों को घटनास्थल लेकर पहुंची SIT
मनोज शर्मा लखीमपुर खीरी. उत्तर प्रदेश के लखीमपुर खीरी (Lakhimpur Kheri) में 3 अक्टूबर के तिकुनिया हिंसा (Tikunia Violence) मामले में विशेष जांच दल (SIT) लगातार जांच कर रही है. आज गुरुवार को एसआईटी मामले में गिरफ्तार मुख्य आरोपी आशीष  मिश्रा, अंकित दास, लतीफ और शेखर को लेकर घटनास्थल पर पहुंची. इस दौरान घटना का रिक्रिएशन कर मामले की जांच की जा रही है. आज सुबह एसआईटी आशीष मिश्रा समेत चारों आरोपियों…
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mzemo0 · 2 years ago
The Killing Of Mahsa Amini And Other Crimes Against Women- Double Standards Of International Media
Iran has recently been in the news after violent protests have broken out in the country. These protests have led to the killing of at least 50 people till now. The protests have been going on since over a week over the killing of Mahsa Amini. The Iranian Police authorities detained Amini for not dressing what they deem as “modest”. 
Allegedly, Iran’s “moral police” called the “Basij” are believed to be responsible for Amini’s death. However, the Iranian authorities claim that the 22-year-old woman died of a heart attack while staying in a “guidance center”– a type of re-education center where women are taught how to follow Iran’s rules on female clothing. They also released a CCTV video clip in which Amini is seen collapsing “on her own”. 
Crimes against women that happened around the same time
Since August, there have been four alleged killings of women that are political in nature, including Mahsa Amini. However, the other incidents of killings neither made it to the international media nor did they evoke the same outrage from countries, particularly the US and Israel. These are the countries that released statements of condemnation and solidarity for Amini. But failed to mention or even acknowledge the women that were subjected to crimes around the same time. One can only wonder why the killing of Mahsa Amini in one part of the world evokes international political attention and outrage. But the killings of the other women don’t even make it to the news.
On September 20, the US troops in Baghdad shot and killed a 15-year-old Iraqi girl Zainab Essam al-Khazali. The American soldiers were stationed at the Victoria military complex, which is close to the airport in Baghdad. The US bullet killed Zainab while assisting her father on the family farm. The first important question here would be why would American forces conduct their training exercises in neighborhoods that were obviously populated.
The US troops that killed the 15-year-old girl were practicing military training in Baghdad. The incident occurred close to the notorious Abu Ghraib jail. It is the same place where members of the US Army and the Central Intelligence Agency were implicated in a string of war crimes and human rights abuses against detainees during the invasion of Iraq in 2004. The murder, which was referred to as a “random shooting,” is the subject of an inquiry, according to a statement from the Iraqi Security Media Cell.
No Outrage From the Western Media
Zainab’s killing has received little to no attention from the western media. Apart from the local news, the main platform where people talked of this heinous crime was the social media site Twitter. Highlighting no media coverage of this killing, the users pointed out the hypocrisy of the western media. Twitter users claimed that the world would have gone insane if the crime had been done by a nation other than the United States.
On September 15, police found two Dalit sisters hanging in Lakhimpur Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh state in India. The police later said that they were raped before being killed. The Dalits belong to the most marginalized and persecuted caste in India. The police named six suspects Chotu, Junaid, Suhail, Hafizul Rehman, Karimuddin, and Arif. “The girls and all of the accused are from the same village. Two of the accused were the “lovers’ of the Dalit sisters. The accused strangled and hanged them later, when the girls began urging them for marriage, according to Lakhimpur police. “I demand justice, the culprits should be hanged,” says the father of the victims in the Lakhimpur Kheri murder case.
History of Crime Against Dalits, Particularly Women, And Negligible Media Coverage
India has been infamous for caste discrimination and violence against Dalits, particularly Dalit women. Caste and gender discrimination have doubly oppressed the Dalit women in India. However, despite a bloody history of patriarchy and caste discrimination against women, there has been negligible international media coverage or outrage against these crimes. Due to this, there has emerged a pattern of insensitivity as well as impunity regarding these crimes.  
Mississippi, USA
On August 22, a police-involved shooting in Biloxi, Mississippi killed Mable Arrington, a 42-year-old African-American woman. Crimes against African-American people get minimal and tokenistic global attention. The media gave little to no attention to the killing of Arrington. Even the local media coverage didn’t provide any extensive information. Even the name and status of the officer involved are currently unknown. But the Biloxi Police reported no injuries caused to the officers. What led up to the shooting is also unknown, a local TV station reported. The political leaders in the United Nations are yet to condemn this killing, while the family of Arrington awaits justice.
Double Standards of International Media
The incidents of violence against Dalit women in India have not gained any significant space in the western media. And the African-American murders barely garner any international attention. 
No other story has received the level of consideration and coverage by the international media that the killing of Mahsa Amini has. Israel, tweeting about it from its official account, is also one of Iran’s biggest geostrategic rivals. 
Burning of hijabs and cutting of hair by women during protests within Iran are being interpreted as progressive signs of “regime” change by western media. Western media has surfaced arguments regarding the hijab’s centrality to Islam. It has also highlighted the Islamic governments’ obsession” to enforce it. Meanwhile, Muslim women in India are currently protesting for the right to wear the hijab. But that never made it to western media’s narrative on women’s right to choose. 
The hijab-clad Zainab al Khazali is of no political significance to the politicians at a time when the US and Iran are renegotiating the nuclear deal. The war in Ukraine has caused Europe to be desperate for gas and materials, so condemning Zainab’s killing doesn’t serve anyone’s geo-political motives. 
Some women are forced to wear the Hijab, while others are forced to remove it. The forced veiling and the forced removal of a veil both have utter disregard for a woman’s agency. There is no middle ground where she could choose for herself. Perhaps the middle ground serves no one’s political interests.
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kimskashmir · 3 years ago
Debunking fake news is not crime: Amnesty India on Zubair case
"Debunking fake news is not a crime. @zoo_bear must be immediately and unconditionally released. #FreeZubair #ProtectDissent," it said in a tweet
NEW DELHI — Human rights group Amnesty India has demanded immediate and unconditional release of fact-checking website Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair, saying debunking fake news is not a crime. Separate FIRs have been lodged against Zubair in Sitapur, Lakhimpur Kheri, Ghaziabad, Muzaffarnagar, and Hathras districts of Uttar Pradesh on charges of allegedly hurting religious feelings, making…
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divyabhashkar · 3 years ago
Lakhimpur violence: Akhilesh equates killing of farmers with Jallianwala Bagh massacre | India News
Lakhimpur violence: Akhilesh equates killing of farmers with Jallianwala Bagh massacre | India News
LAKHIMPUR/PILIBHIT (UP): Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Saturday equated the mowing down of farmers in UP’s Lakhimpur Kheri with the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and said on coming to power, his government will act against people shielding perpetrators of the crime. Eight people, including four farmers, were killed in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence last October. The farmers were mowed down…
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tezlivenews · 3 years ago
हनुमानगढ़, जालोर समते पूरे राजस्थान में दलितों पर बर्बरता, ऊना कांड पर बवाल मचाने वाली कांग्रेस चुप क्यों है?
हनुमानगढ़, जालोर समते पूरे राजस्थान में दलितों पर बर्बरता, ऊना कांड पर बवाल मचाने वाली कांग्रेस चुप क्यों है?
Sambrat Chaturvedi | नवभारतटाइम्स.कॉम | Updated: Oct 12, 2021, 2:40 PM Dalit Atrocity In Rajasthan : राजस्थान में पिछले 2 साल में दलितों पर अत्याचार और बर्बरता का ग्राफ बढ़ता जा रहा है। हनुमानगढ़ में दलित युवक की हत्या (hanumangarh dalit murder case) पहला मामला नहीं है। इस वर्ष प्रदेश में अनुसूचित जाति के 57 लोगों की हत्याएं हो चुकी हैं। यह आंकड़ा 2019 की मुकाबले 16.33 प्रतिशत अधिक…
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fast1997 · 3 years ago
punjab: Lakhimpur Kheri incident: Navjot Singh Sidhu released from Sarangpur police station | India News
punjab: Lakhimpur Kheri incident: Navjot Singh Sidhu released from Sarangpur police station | India News
CHANDIGARH: Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu was released from Sarangpur Police Station on Monday hours after he was detained by the police while protesting outside Punjab Raj Bhavan for demanding the arrest of Union Minister of State’s son Ashish Mishra over Lakhimpur Kheri incident. “Is demanding the arrest of those who killed farmers a crime?,” says Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu who was…
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